Connections Between the Past and Present - Little Hometown

Connections Between the Past and Present

One of the things I love most about running Little Hometown is hearing stories about how our swaddles help our customers feel - even in a little way - connected to their loved ones. Sometimes people are separated by distance. Sometimes they are separated by time. A few months ago, our customer, Kathy left this review on our website:

Swaddled in love: Our favorite picture of my father is of him in a field of blue bonnets. Unfortunately, my dad passed away in 2003. But when his great grandson is born in June, he will be swaddled in his great grandfather’s love and my father’s legacy will live on.

I teared up when I read Kathy's review, and I reached out to let her know how much the review meant to me. I understand wanting new family members to feel the love of those who have passed on. My daughter is named after one of her great-grandmothers who passed away twenty years before she was born. Every time I write her name, I think of my Mam-Maw and it brings me joy. I can imagine that is how Kathy feels when she wraps her beautiful grandson in bluebonnets.

Today she sent me an email with a picture of her grandson wrapped in our bluebonnets swaddle with a picture of her father. It brought a big smile to my face. Thank you for sharing your story, Kathy. <3

Bluebonnets Baby


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